Wow! Too much to do and so little time- right? I am about to use my blog as therapy:) I truly have an amazing job and it is incredible to make my own schedule. I usually shoot 4-5 days out of the week, sometime ~I wish~ 3. How come I cannot get it all done??? Here is my schedule (pretty much doing this for my sake, but chime in- it may make me feel better!)
6:45- wake up, get Lily ready for school
7:30- wake up Morgan and throw them in the car to Lil's school
7:50- WORK on the computer while getting M ready for school
8:40- take M to school
9:00- WORK!!!
12- lunch, errands, maybe 30 min of working out
1:30- WORK
3:00- get Lil off bus
3:05- WORK
4:15- Morgan comes home
4:20- get kids situated, a little housework
4:35- WORK
5:30- make dinner, baths,etc
7:30- bedtime
8:00- back on the computer until 10:30+
How can I improve:)???? Isn't that an 8 hr workday- LOL!
Well, as I sit here (feeling much better) I hear the birds chirping out my window, my kids are happily at school and hubby VERY happily at his firefighting academy and me LOVING my job as crazy as it is!! AHHHH- feeling better. I just might share something else that makes me happy. (PS- I had permission!)
My SIS pregnant with my nephew, Camden (Cam) He is set to arrive around June7th and I am beyond excited!! Laura and I grabbed a few shots yesterday bf time flies away from us.
Doesn't she look awesome??!! She was very skeptical about Maternity shots, so we used some beautiful window light and tried our best not to be corny. Love the results! Ok, back to work. Therapy session - over. Thx for listening....
I can totally sympathize! And I'm not even doing photo shoots ;) Laura's pic is AMAZING! -Mis
Dad almost cried. He said he did not know that was LA. Good Things
Look at my Le-La!!! She looks so beautiful.. great work Karen:-)- Jenny
Congrats to your sis. She lookes amazing. :)
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