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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Our Camping Trip...

I always blog at like midnight when I am super tired. Not fair to my readers:) So, I am going to try and recap our little getaway without wussing out!!
We went to the National Forest outside of Helen, GA. Scott (hubby) LOVES to fly fish (trout) so he drove around looking for a place on the river that had good fishing. Well, could not find anything. i was begging him to find the area that we used to camp at over 10 yrs ago. We totally found it! We even found a new spot that the kids would enjoy.
We set up and walked around a bit, but did not have much time to play bc we needed dinner. So, we roasted some hotdogs, cooked some rice on Scott's handy little cookstove for hiking and I got really creative and roasted potatoes in foil with butter and kosher salt in the fire. YUM! EXCEPT, I had the bright idea they needed to cook forever. Yes, our potatoes were burned almost all the way through- whoops! Realizing this is boring, so here comes the speed...
Went to sleep (very uncomfortably I might add- I thought 29 was too young to complain about sleeping on the ground!) I woke up at 6 to the sound of rain. Normally would have been fine, but we knew that even after waterproofing tent, it would still leak (Walmart!) So, we packed up in the rain bf daylight. Took the LONG way home (cool way) and BOTH kids tossed their milk all over. Scott has so kindly passed on his car sickness, we have found:( The mountain we went on was a little brutal for 2 kids with empty tummys except for milk!! I know- yuck! We will do this again. With a better tent, now that we know the kids enjoy it. Now that I have bored you to tears, here are the rest of my snapshots on my old camera with NO edits! Off to bed to try out my new- side sleeper pillow!! SUPER EXCITED!!
Hehe! Just realized Morgan is in his undies!! He is wearing more than the usual:)
Scott had a festival at work the day bf. He was "icing" his feet!

1 comment:

S3XinthePantry said...

Wonderful photos. Looks like you had a great time. We've been to the N. Georgia mountians, but not sure if it was the same spot!